Free Refund Policy Template Generator
The most comprehensive and customizable refund policy generator on the web!
Who should use this refund policy generator?
If you run an online business and accept payments online, you need a refund policy.
Refund policies communicate to your customers the circumstances in which you offer refunds.
This refund policy generator is useful for the following types of businesses (and more):
- Software-as-a-service (SAAS)
- Physical goods
- One-time digital products (courses, books, etc)
- Services & consultancies
A clearly written refund policy is important when selling online.
Don't forget to create one when launching your business!
I created this free refund policy generator to make it easier for you to get started.

How does this refund policy generator compare with others?
Feature comparison
Our refund policy generator has more features than anyone else. Also, you don't need to register or create an account to use it.
- Suitable for SAAS
- Yes
- Suitable for physical goods
- Yes
- Suitable for digital products
- Yes
- Suitable for services
- Yes
- HTML output
- Yes
- Markdown output
- Yes
- Plain text output
- Yes
Feature comparison
Feature | Starter tier | Scale tier |
Suitable for SAAS | Yes | |
Suitable for physical goods | Yes | Yes |
Suitable for digital products | Yes | |
Suitable for services | Yes | |
HTML output | Yes | |
Markdown output | Yes | |
Plain text output | Yes | Yes |